Chris Auman’s Blog

Welcome to Woodrow World

Woodrows Van

Here’s a little explanation about the comic punk band The Woodrows reprinted from Woodrow Comics #1.

The Most Notorious Comic Punk Band

During our sophomore year of high school, my friend Toby and I were picked to attend a drug and alcohol prevention conference. It was 1986. We were 15, maybe 16 years old. Two students and one teacher from area schools were invited to attend this all-day event where different speakers gave tips on resisting peer pressure and staying on the path to good grades and healthy living. 

Drawing of a Flaming Vee guitar

It was well-intentioned, but also very boring. To pass the time, Toby and I started drawing the characters of a made-up punk band, The Woodrows. Unlike the Ramones, Ricky, Toby, Marvy, and Erin really were brothers. Like the Sex Pistols, they were anarchists bent on chaos. They took any drug available and partied harder than Spuds Mackenzie. They scared the PMRC more than any motley band of hair rockers or cheese metallers could ever hope to. 

The Most Prolific Comic Punk Band

Ace Master bass guitar from comic punk band

After the conference, I suppose we were to return to our high school and share what we learned with our fellow students. Back in class, however, we kept drawing The Woodrows, making up endless lists of song and album titles, lyrics, and backstories for the Drab Four. After high school, The Woodrows retired into my subconscious until I started the zine Reglar Wiglar in 1993.

The Reglar Wiglar was launched in the satirical spirit of Spinal Tap and MAD magazine and featured fake band interviews. Of course, the Woodrows had to represent. They were interviewed in the first issue (see the reprint in this book) and were a regular feature for years. 

The Debut of Woodrow Comics

Punk band Woodrow Comics #1

In 1995, the boys got their own title, Woodrow Comics #1: a sloppy-looking, photocopied-at-Kinkos, 5.5” x 8.5”, 12-page, black and white comic that I sold on consignment for $1 at a few record and comics shops in Chicago. Woodrow Comics #2 followed in 1996. 

These comics did not sell well and it’s easy to see why. They’re crude, juvenile, poorly drawn, and completely absurd. To me, however, they’re hilarious. Over the years, I’ve redrawn the covers several times and even cleaned up the bad behavior a bit (if you can believe that). I present them here, perhaps for the last time, almost 40 years after their creation and 30 years from their original comics debut.

Drawing of the Woodrows passed out

NOTE: The point of this comic was never to make fun of addiction. Just the opposite. These characters were created by two teenagers who thought that booze and drugs were stoopid, but who also thought that the scare tactics of ‘Just Say No’ anti-drug campaigns were a bit corny too. It’s also a parody of the rock and roll lifestyle and punk rock stereotypes. More importantly, this comic asks the question, what if Sid and Nancy had four babies and let G.G. Allin raise them?

Order Woodrow Punk Rock Comics

Order a copy of Woodrow Comics #1 from the RoosterCow Store!

Check out an annotated Woodrows Discography!

Toby Woodrow playing drums

Where to Buy Chris Auman’s Comics & Zines

If you’re wondering, “Where can I buy comics and zines made by Chris Auman?” I have an answer for you. The best place to order them is from The RoosterCow Store. While that is the preferred location, if you like visiting brick-and-mortar retail locations, there are a few shops across the country that carry my titles (see below).

RoosterCow Collection 2024

Shops the Carry Chris Auman Comics and Zines

You’ll find RoosterCow Press comics and zines at these retail locations. If you do not live in one of these fine U.S. cities, politely ask your local bookstore to stock RoosterCow titles today!


Skylight Books

1818 N. Vermont Ave.

Los Angeles


Small World Books

1407 Ocean Front Walk



Kilgore Books & Comics
624 E. 13th Ave.


Chicago Comics
3324 N. Clark St.

Howling Pages

4354 N. Milwaukee Ave.

1854 W. North Ave.

Comics Revolution
606 Davis St.

Zines by Chris Auman


Wonder Fair
841 Massachusetts St.


Atomic Books
3620 Falls Rd.

People’s Books

7014-A Westmoreland Ave.,

Takoma Park


Toadvine Books
2783 Coolidge Hwy


Page 1
5850 Eubank Blvd NE Suite B-41


Quimby’s NYC
536 Metropolitan Ave.


Downtown Books & News

67 N Lexington Ave,



My Vinyl Underground

1401 SE Division St,


Grover’s Curiosity Shop

1410 SE Clinton St,


Powell’s (City of Books)

1005 W Burnside St,


Powell’s on Hawthorne

3723 SE Hawthorne Blvd,



Small Friend Records & Books

1 N Lombardy St,



Lion’s Tooth
2421 S Kinnickinnic Ave.

Year End Review of Chris Auman Comics & Zines

Chris Auman comics zines

2024 was a productive year for me. I published six comics and zines and made an appearance at a few book and zine fests, and even a makers’ market where I met some swell fellow creators. Hopefully, 2025 will produce similar results. We’ll see how it goes, but for now, here is a recap of my year in publishing.

[By the way, you can get all six titles in a bundle from RoosterCow Press!]

Used Records & Tapes #4

Used Records & Tapes #4

The first title of the year was the fourth issue of Used Records & Tapes. If you don’t know, this is a zine I edit and contribute to along with Mike Dixon. It features reviews of records from past decades written by a revolving group of artists, writers, and other creators.

Issue #4 featured contributions from writer March Basch (co-screenwriter of I’ll See You in My Dreams, The Hero, and Hearts Beat Loud), prolific zinester Liz Mason, and author Katie Haegele to name a few. Also, cartoonist Ben Snakepit drew an awesome two-page comic review of the Misfit’s album Earth A.D./Wolfs Blood.

My contributions, in addition to recreating many of the album artwork and the zine’s cover, was a review of three grunge classics on cassette. Issue number five is in the works.

Gray Flag #4

Gray Flag 4 cover

Another zine series I’ve been publishing for the past few years also saw its fourth issue published in 2024. Gray Flag features snippets from the journals I kept as a writing student at Columbia College from 1990 to 1993.

Much of what is in these journals (two spiral-bound notebooks) are writing exercises for the various classes in the Fiction Department’s Story Workshop program.

Issue number four includes word associations, character studies, work instances, and story outlines, as well as an excerpt from an underground newspaper and a column for Columbia College’s student newspaper.

The fifth and final installment of Gray Flag will be published this year.

Ridiculous Fiction #1: Old Joe

Old Joe zine cover

I used the term “ridiculous fiction” to describe the absurd short stories I wrote in the late 1980s and early ’90s. In 2024, I began compiling these relics into a zine series of the same name. The debut issue contains the story “Old Joe” which I wrote for a creative writing class at DePaul University in 1989.

“Old Joe” is a spoof of the classic Man versus Nature literary theme. Will Bill Billson become a man after a successful hunt?

Also in this issue is a comic I created just last year about an incident that occurred in the mid-’90s. “The Sheridan Park Massacre” tells the tale of one rage-filled evening where I obliterated a disgusting nest of cockroaches. The horror! 

The Flaming Skull of Death

The Flaming Skull of Death comic cover

The Flaming Skull of Death comic tells a terrifying tale of Jonas who receives a cryptic message from his uncle, lord of an ancient castle on the Isle of Crannias. Jonas must decode the message and follow its instructions… or else…

A version of this comic originally appeared over ten years ago as an Easter egg on this very website. It had no real beginning or ending. Now it does. To fully enjoy this comic, readers (must) use a key code to decipher an encrypted message. Doing so reveals the full story. Many who have done so found themselves frozen with fear as their hair mysteriously turned white. Yes, it is that frightening.

Woodrow Comics #1

Chris Auman comics zines
Woodrow Comics #1 full spread.

Woodrow Comics #1 is a reworking, or reimagining if you will, of a crappy photocopied comic I made in 1995. That comic was itself a reworking of a series of drawings I made over the preceding decade, all featuring the most notorious punk band in the world, The Woodrows.

My friend Max and I invented these insane party dudes while attending a drug prevention conference we were sent to as high school sophomores. If all this sounds confusing, you should buy a copy and read the introduction. After that, you’ll be ready to laugh your face off at this hilarious (I hope) illustrated discography.

Sssnakes #5

Chris Auman comics zines

Yesss, the fifth and LAST issue of my Sssnakes! minicomic (featuring Sly and Steven) slithered into the world at the tail end of ’24.

I’m sad to see these two reptilian rapscallions go, but honestly, this hand-printed publication is a bit of a pain to produce — lots of folding and stapling and lots of expensive ink cartridges. Once my stash of colored cardstock is gone, so is this mini.

These snakes have been around for years, having appeared in Reglar Wiglar, and Roctober zines as well as on the Reglar Wiglar website. Someday, I hope to assemble all of these strips into one volume. Until then…

Chris Auman Comics & Zines for 2025

As mentioned above, the new year will see the fifth issue of Used Records and Tapes and the end of Gray Flag with issue number five. There will certainly be another installment of Ridiculous Fiction as well as a second issue of Woodrow Comics. Other planned titles include @#$%!!!, which is another collection of strips I did in the 1990s and early aughts. And lastly, hopefully, the 30th issue of Reglar Wiglar print zine will see the light of day. Join the RoosterCow Club for 2025 and get all of those titles mailed to you directly!

Frog Gift Ideas!

frog gift ideas

Frog Gift Ideas

Give the gift of Green!

frog gift ideas

Chris Auman’s “Famous” Frog-in-a-Box is tops among the frog gift ideas you should consider for yourself or a bud. They make for a unique gift for any occasion. ​

Kids and adults love getting cool stuff in the mail, and if you love frogs, even better! It’s not just the frogs who are ready to hop in a box and be delivered to your door, boxes also include an assortment of knickknacks, buttons, and stickers. You never know what you’re going to get, maybe even something for your new froggy friends to snack on.

Each box also comes with the latest issue of Frog Pond Magazine. Every box is decorated by hand so each one is different.

frog gift ideas

As great as my frog gift ideas are, these aren’t the only animal-themed presents I have to offer. If you or someone you know digs turtles or snakes, everyone wins with the following boxes.

Turtle Totes

You won’t shell out a lot for this great gift!

Turtle Totes
Turtle Gift Box

Turtle Tote is a unique gift for any occasion.

Kids and adults love getting cool stuff in the mail, and if you love turtles, even better! It’s not just the turtles who slowly crawl into a box and be delivered to your door, boxes also include an assortment of knickknacks, buttons, and stickers—you never know what will be included, but each box also comes with the latest issue of the Turtle Times newsletter.

Every box is decorated by hand so each one is different.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 

Order button

Snake in the Grass

Slithery fun for everyone!

Snakes in the Grass
Snakes Crate

Snake in the Grass gift box is a super slithery option for a great gift!

Who wouldn’t want to get a box of snakes in the mail? No one we would want to hang out with. Each hand-painted box is different and comes with an assortment of knickknacks, buttons, and stickers—you never know what you’re gonna get, but they all come with the latest issue of the Snake Sentinel

Order button

Check out this gallery of images for your frog gift ideas. If you see something you like, order one today.

Gallery of Frog Gift Ideas

New Chris Auman Website

Green skull

Welcome to the new Chris Auman website. This is the first blog post. My name is Chris Auman. I make zines, music, and comics!

What you’ll find on this site, and in this post, are the comics and zines I’ve made in the past ten years or so. Soon, I’ll add stuff I’ve made over the past three decades (and possibly more).

If you like what you see, you can support me by purchasing the zines, comics, music, and t-shirts I have for sale in the RoosterCow Store.

As well, you can check out the newly redesigned Reglar Wiglar website for interviews with comics artists, zine makers, musicians, and more.

Sign up for the RoosterCow Newsletter too. That way, you’ll never miss out on what’s new in the RoosterCow Store. You’ll also keep abreast of new titles from RoosterCow Press and RoosterCow Records.

Comics and zines on the Chris Auman website

Zines I’ve Made

Although I didn’t know it at the time, I was publishing zines in grade school. Well, maybe not zines, but I published the Neighborhood News and tried to get other kids to pay 10 cents for it on the playground. It was not a successful enterprise.

Once I discovered MAD Magazine, it was on. I started my own version called Crazy Magazine — not realizing such a publication already existed with that title. After those initial forays, I never stopped publishing.

The titles you’ll find on this site include Gray Flag, Used Records & Tapes (with Mike Dixon and various contributors), Forgotten Music Masters (with Deron Grams), and of course, my longest-running zine Reglar Wiglar (est. 1993).

Comics on the Chris Auman Website

Drawing comics is something I’ve done for about a half-century at this point. My earliest completed strip was “The Adventures of Onion Man and Zit.” While I am not a prolific comics artist, nor a disciplined master of the form, it is something I’ve always enjoyed doing. And I am compelled to do it, I guess you could say.

My recent titles include Cassetty Comics. This book is an anthology of strips that appeared in various print publications and on the web. It stars the irascible yet charming cassette tape Cassetty.

My most recent book is The Flaming Skull of Death. To fully enjoy it, readers must decode a secret message.

Not really comics, but not zines either, my books Maps and Cities explore the possibilities of worlds and places.

In the coming year, I hope to republish some of my comics from the 1990s such as The Woodrows, and one I can only spell as #$%&! (that will make sense eventually if you stick around).

You’ll learn about all that when it happens on the Chris Auman website so check back soon.

Much Music

If you’re interested in some of the bands I’ve been in and the music we made, check out my mostly complete discography or some of the band pages on this site. I plan to add more flyers, photos, and lyrics pages soon.

Give Gift Boxes

What started as a lark five years ago remains so today. Chris Auman’s “Famous” Frog-in-a-Box is a hand-decorated box filled with toys, stickers, and the like. As fantastic as frogs are, some folks prefer turtles and snakes. Not a problem. You’ll find that Turtle Totes and Snake Crates make great gifts as well. Give one to yourself today. Every box is decorated by hand so each one is different.

Dig These Designs

Of course, I couldn’t resist slapping my favorite comic characters on t-shirts. I am in the process of improving them and creating more products. For now, you can proudly wear BeeBop & LuBop, Cassetty, and other animal-inspired designs. Like I said, more to come, so stay tuned.

Thank You for Checking Out the Chris Auman Website

I’ll be adding content to the site, hopefully, on a regular basis so check back often. You can also sign up for the RoosterCow Newsletter and stay informed that way. Thanks for reading!

Chris Auman signature