The idea for the Used Records and Tapes zine evolved from a series of blog posts I wrote called “The History of Music.” In these columns, I took on the mantle of music professor educating students on the albums I bought at used record stores. This included releases for 80s bands like the Police, Cars, and A Flock of Seagulls.
Eventually, I decided to collect them into zine form. I enlisted the help of long-time collaborator Mike Dixon. I wrote some more snarky reviews. Dixon did the same. We drew the covers, and boom, the first issue was born.
Since then, we’ve enlisted the help of other writers and artists to create four issues of the zine. A fifth issue hits the bins in 2025.

Used Records & Tapes #1
Used Records & Tapes #1 features reviews of albums by Guns n Roses, The Cars, The Police, James Gang, Men at Work, Joe Perry, Motley Crüe, Thompson Twins, and more. Plus a Cassettey comic!
Used Records & Tapes #2
For the second issue of the zine, we enlisted the help of fellow zinesters & music nerds. Contributors include Liz Mason (Caboose zine), Billy McCall (Proof I Exist zine), Jim Fath (@boringdadmusic), David Gill (writer/teacher), Mike Dixon (@icecoldsox), and myself. Reviews of albums by Pat Benatar, Culture Club, Hall & Oates, Corey Hart, Cyndy Lauper, LL Cool J, Sparks, and more.
Used Records & Tapes #3
The third issue features reviews from writer March Basch (co-screenwriter of Hearts Beat Loud). Also prolific zine publisher and Quimby’s Bookstore manager, Liz Mason, zine maker and novelist, Joshua James Amberson, and more plus a 2-page comic spread from Jesse Reklaw. Reviews of Ned’s Atomic Dustbin, Mojo Nixon & Skid Roper, Beck, the Repo Man Soundtrack, and more.
UR&T #4
The fourth issue features used record and tape reviews by Chris Auman, Marc Basch, Mike Dixon, Katie Haegele, C.E. Hanifin, Deron Gram, Justin Kern, Liz Mason, and Steve Stelling. This issue includes reviews of Laurie Anderson, Bob Dylan, The Kinks, and Grunge Masters Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Mudhoney. Plus a comic by Ben Snakepit.
UR&T #5
The fifth issue of this used record review zine looks at records of decades past and features used record and tape reviews by Chris Auman, Zach Boddicker, Mike Dixon, Ken Eppstein, Chris Estey, Deron Grams, C.E. Hanifin, Dave Hankins, Joseph Kyle, Liz Mason, Mike Olson, Steve Stelling, and William Patrick Tandy. Plus a new Cassetty comic.

The contents are a nostalgic romp for the writers and the reader. More trivia dealing, wistful rumination, and amused musings than hard-edged musical criticism and historicity à la Lester Bangs and Greil Marcus (though their influence is felt). Used Records and Tapes isn’t a record-collecting bully zine, talking about bands you probably never heard of because, scoff, they’re pretty obscure.
Through it all, Auman presents sometimes scathing, sometimes respectful, but usually entertaining reviews of albums. The best ones involve backstories from his youth. Tracking down a band he heard on a mix tape one Friday night whilst drinking wine coolers and cruising back roads with a couple of girls, for instance. Auman spent years singing the chorus to anyone who’d listen, asking if they recognized it before the internet arrived and solved the mystery. It’s an interesting account of a way of life—not knowing something and hoping to run into someone in real life who does—that, like zines, is fading.—Dan Kelly, Third Coast Review
Used Records And Tapes no. 3 is exactly what a zine should be—fun, informative, and enjoyable to read. It’s certainly that, and since there aren’t as many music zines in print these days, Used Records and Tapes fills that void quite nicely. — The Recoup