About Chris Auman

Hey there. Chris Auman here. I am a Chicago-based writer and artist. This website is essentially a hub for my various projects including comics, zines, music, and things not so easily categorized. I’m still in the process of building this site, so please check back and pardon the dust. For now, here’s what you’ll find here.

Comics & Zines

Zines by Chris Auman

I publish comics and zines which you can purchase at roostercow.com and a few brick-and-mortar establishments. My writing and comics have appeared in various newspapers, magazines, and other zines.

My longest-running title, Reglar Wiglar (est. 1993), is now in its 32nd year of publication. My self-publishing career goes back much further than that, however. I published a neighborhood newspaper in grade school and my first magazine was a brazen and shameless rip-off of Mad Magazine.


I am usually involved in at least one musical project at any given time. Some of the bands I’ve helped launch over the years include Team SatanReagan National Crash DietSoft Targets, and Empire Smalls. Likely, you never heard of them, but they existed nevertheless. You can browse my mostly complete discography here. I also run the record label RoosterCow Records & Press.


Here are some links you may find of interest.

RoosterCow Newsletter Signup

The RoosterCow Store

RoosterCow Records

Reglar Wiglar Magazine

Misc. Writing

Email Me!