If you’re looking for comics by Chris Auman, you’re in the right place. Here are a few of my latest creations.
Woodrow Comics #1
Woodrow Comics #1 is the first installment of the Woodrows’ illustrated discography. If you are unaware, the Woodrows is the most notorious and prolific punk band in history. They’re loud, obnoxious, and rude. In short, they make perfect subjects for the crude and absurd comic that is Woodrow Comics.
Sssnakes #5
The fifth and final issue of my minicomic series Sssnakes! In this issue, Sly and Steven star in “The Garden of Eden,” “Curses,” “Snakes in Space,” and “Gunfight at the NOT O.K. Corral.”
The Flaming Skull of Death
The Flaming Skull of Death tells a terrifying tale. Young Jonas receives a cryptic message from his uncle, lord of an ancient castle on the Isle of Crannias. Jonas must decode the message and follow its instructions… or else…
Cassetty Comics by Chris Auman
Cassetty Comics is an anthology of strips that appeared in various print publications and on the web. The star of the series is an irascible yet totally charming cassette tape named Cassetty. Cassetty is a bit of a crank. He pines for the past almost as much as he laments the future and he can’t stand compact discs.
Cities is the companion piece to Maps (see below). This 28-page book features the skylines of the largest, most beautiful cities in the world, but not this world. Some other one.
I have always loved maps, even though I have occasionally gotten lost even with their help. I love looking at the mass transit map of your city, even if I’ll never ride a train there. A book with a map in it is a book I want to read. My colorful illustrated atlas Maps depicts an imaginary continent in a fictitious world, but don’t they all?
My Sssnakes ssseries of comics features the slithery duo Sly and Steven. These 5.5-inch by 3-inch mini-comics get printed to order and assembled by hand. Each one is different in some way. There have been four issues thus far. A fifth and final issue should hit the streets by the end of 2024 so stay tuned.
More Comics by Chris Auman
BeeBop and LuBop are a pair of robots that are easy to love, but are they capable of giving love in return? Who knows? The BeeBop and LuBop comic “Robot Oil” appeared in Reglar Wiglar #27 where they were also the cover models. The strip “Do Robots Laugh?” appeared in Reglar Wiglar #29.

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